
100 Things To See In The Kimberley

The Kimberley is one of Australia’s last untamed wilderness areas. It’s nearly twice the size of Victoria yet is home to six million less people and about 5 per cent of the roads. This is a land of extreme beauty, extreme weather and extreme wonder. To travel here is an adventure, however you do it. And to make the most of it you need the ultimate guide.

100 Things to See in the Kimberley is the culmination of a life spent exploring the Kimberley. Written by Scotty Connell, Kunnunurra local and award-winning tour guide, the 180-page book takes readers to some of Scotty’s favourite places across the north west of Australia, from stunning, fern-lined pools, incredible waterfalls and through wonders found nowhere else on Earth. 

Unlike many guides written about the Kimberley, this one was penned by a local who spends nearly every day searching out its secrets. A5 in size, it’s designed to fit in a backpack or a glove box, rather than be left on a coffee table. Each page has space for the reader to make their own notes; each of the places are mapped out in the front and all are included in the order you’ll come across them if you begin an adventure in Broome. 

Kimberley travel guide

Not specifically a camping or driving guide to the Kimberley, 100 Things to See in the Kimberley was written for travellers coming to the Kimberley who want to experience as much of the region as possible without moving there. It is just as useful to travellers towing a caravan as it is to those taking a chopper between remote coastal stations. In the foreword by Nick ‘The Honey Badger’ Cummins, he says “This book gives you a taste of the experiences that await you in this geographical masterpiece, and just some of the passion that Scotty has for the place.”

Get your copy from all good bookstores, and just about everywhere else in the Kimberley.

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