
Sailing Magic Carpet Love The Hunter & The Gatherer

For the last four years, Andino and Maya have been living aboard their sailing yacht, Magic Carpet, which Andino restored after it had been dropped from a crane! Over that time, they’ve shared their journey with hundreds of thousands of fans via their YouTube channel. More recently, they’ve been restoring Magic Carpet II, their second boat. With dreams of circumnavigating the globe onboard, they’ve been refitting the Cape George 36 in a shed in Canada, documenting the process on their YouTube channel.

As well as Andino’s meticulous attention to detail, our latest book, The Hunter & The Gatherer has made it onboard, ready for when the couple finally drop Magic Carpet II into the ocean. The Hunter & The Gatherer is written by liveaboard sailors Catherine Lawson and David Bristow, and as well as being a cookbook for sailors by sailors, it’s packed full of practical advice for anyone looking to deck out and provision their galley for long and short adventures on the water.

Andino said, “It is a cookbook, essentially, but it’s not a normal cookbook. It has a lot of practical advice, and it is very much a part of the sailing niche. It’s very specific, there is a lot of advice for sailors. And as the title suggests, it’s also about what you can catch for yourself.”

“It’s very practical and illustrated with beautiful photos that they took on their cruise. It gets us dreaming and very excited about splashing our boat in the near future and diving into our own adventures.”

If you don’t already subscribe to Sailing Magic Carpet on YouTube, you are missing out on some really inspirational sailing and adventure storytelling. Both Maya and Andino bring you right into their lives onboard, sharing the highs, lows and emotions of such a wild lifestyle. Do yourself a favour and get on board.

Sailing Magic Carpet YouTube
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