Since launching 100 Things To See In The Kimberley in April there’s been no shortage of media, blogs and magazines looking to review the guide, maybe in the hope of travelling to the Kimberley region themselves sometime soon. Below, we’ve included the conclusions from some of the most notable travel publications and websites in Australia. said,
“If you’re looking for some inspiration to head north-west, or just want to reminisce about an earlier adventure, Kununurra local and award-winning tour guide, Scotty Connell, has put together a great little pocket guide to West Australia’s Kimberley region.”
“Nick ‘The Honey Badger’ Cummins, probably sums it up best when he writes in the Foreward: ‘This book gives you a taste of the experiences that await you in this geographical masterpiece, and just some of the passion that Scotty has for the place’.”
iMotorhome magazine said,
“Does Australia really need another guide book?”, I asked myself when handed it to review. One hundred and seventy eight pages later I decided there’s certainly room for it in the iMotorhome Magazine book shelf.”
“If you’re heading through Western Australia’s dramatic north-west, 100 Things To See In The Kimberley makes an excellent glovebox companion that will save you lots of time, as well as lots of questions at tourist offices, caravan parks and around campfires. It might even turn you into something of an expert, or at the least stop you making rookie mistakes…”
ROAM magazine said,
“We often see so much about the Kimberley that it’s easy to think we know everything about it, but there’s tonnes of places in the book I’d never heard of before reading it.”
“100 Things To See In The Kimberley adds a local’s advice to the region, showing you what to do that isn’t sleeping or driving, because neither of those things are the reason you go to the Kimberley.” said,
“Every now and again, an adventure travel book comes along that is so informative, so well-structured and -designed that it immediately becomes the new standard for these sorts of very popular books – 100 Things to See in the Kimberley is just such a book”
“In an easy-to pack A5 size, 100 Things to See in the Kimberley is a must-buy for anyone interested in visiting WA’s Kimberley region – or anyone who loves awesome scenery and learning about a wild and wonderful part of Australia.”
Chaos In A Tin Can said,
“This book is actually brilliant. It is quite possibly the most concise and complete guide to the most amazing area in Australia, and shamefully for us, there are so many gorgeous places that we had no idea even existed. Looks like we will have to head back for another adventure! The pictures are incredible and there are plenty of them, each destination has loads of info on the best times to visit and what to do when you get there, as well as how to get there. Unfortunately a few places in there are inaccessible for your average Joe like me but they add authenticity to the book and as I said, the pictures are pretty cool too. Also if I ever win the lottery or wake up with a new adventurous, limit pushing personality I’ll have a list ready for me.”
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